If you don’t have the information you need to make wise choices, find someone who does.
Lori Hil
In today’s world of endless information, it is sad to see how little actual knowledge there is. Information and knowledge are not the same.
In 2015 we took on the task of removing as much paper from the business as possible. We were storing decades worth of documentation in buildings across three different cities. We scanned in all that paperwork for electronic storage, consolidated the rest down to one small storage room, and haven’t looked back. Now document access is literally a few clicks away.
So what does that have to do with architectural binders? Well, we wanted the same accessibility for our architectural friends. Buechel Stone used to create a very robust three-inch binder with all the information needed for making stone specifying and selection easier. The binder was a great “in” for our sales staff. If you could get that binder into an architect’s library, there was always a reason to go back and visit. Buechel Stone launches new products — “can I update your binder?”; Buechel Stone creates a new AIA presentation — “can I update your binder?”; we print a new catalog — “Can I update your binder?”… you get the drift. The problem with the printed binder (besides the fact it was roughly 790 pages long) was even with all that information, it was still something that needed to be re-typed, re-scanned, and re-organized each time the documents were used in specifying our natural stone. We provided information — not knowledge.
Changing to an all-electronic system means we have to provide more value than simply getting into an architect’s binder library. All electronic means we must offer more than just the information; we must also be the architect’s book of knowledge for all things natural stone. Sharing relevant electronic documentation with architects, designers, and specifiers means they can always access our most up-to-date information without relying on a salesperson to drop in with hard-copy updates. If and when someone needs more specific details, our team still has the experience to step in and assist.
Architectural firms tend to be environmentally focused, so the fact that hard-copy binders are becoming a relic of the past is no big surprise. We’ve offered an electronic version of our architectural binder for a while now, but the format was still cumbersome.
That brings us to today’s big reveal! Our architectural resources are now in one location in one easy-to-use electronic binder. Not only is all this information all in one place, but it is also downloadable, bookmarkable, and editable to best suit your project’s needs.
This new format makes it easy to find the details you need for your specific project. Scroll down the table of contents to view all the different resources available to you. If you know what type of information you need, you can click on the tabs to the left of the binder and quickly drill down to your specific information.
If you have questions or are interested in booking us for a presentation for you and your staff, contact us and we’ll be glad to assist!